ONTAP Performance Analysis (ONTAP 9.6)
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Zakres szkolenia
Pobierz zakres w PDF- Basic Concepts of Performance
- Performance Monitoring Methodology
- Performance terminology
- Using Active IQ Unified Manager
- FAS and AFF Architecture
- Data Flow
- NVRAM Functionality
- WAFL Functions
- WAFL Readahead
- Resolving WAFL issues
- Identifying CPU Performance Bottlenecks
- Resolving CPU Performance Bottlenecks
- Identifying Memory Performance Bottlenecks
- Resolving Memory Performance Bottlenecks
- Disk Subsystem Hardware
- Analyzing and Isolating Disk Subsystem Bottlenecks
- Analyzing Disk Subsystem Bottlenecks with Statit
- Resolving Disk Subsystem Bottlenecks
- Cache Subsystem Overview
- Flash Cache Feature
- Flash Pool Feature
- Flash Cache Policies and Flash Pool Policies
- Storage Pool
- Cache Sizing
- Managing System Performance with QoS
- NAS functions
- Identifying NAS Bottlenecks
- Resolving NAS Bottlenecks
- SAN Overview
- SAN Multipathing
- SAN load balancing
- SAN I/O Misalignment
- Queue depth
- Identifying cluster components
- Analyzing performance statistics
- OnCommand performance manager thresholds, events and alerts
- Identifying and resolving storage controller performance issues
- WAFL performance monitoring and analysis
- Identifying and resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- Exploring cache performance
- Cluster interconnect performance
- Workload management with storage QoS
- NAS performance
- SAN protocol performance
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